American Express True Cashback Card

The American Express Singapore has just released the True Cashback card for everyone who wants cashback without having to be mindful of minimum spend, inclusions and exclusions. With this new card, you will receive a flat 1.5% cashback regardless of what you spend on! If you have an average expenditure of S$1,000 a month, you will get back approximately S$15 each month. 

Click HERE to find out more about this card! 

While there are other cards like the UOB One Credit Card and the OCBC Frank Credit Card out there that offer greater cashbacks, they all have a minimum spend to hit each month. There are also inclusions and exclusions that apply for these cards. 

More importantly, you will receive 5% cashback for the first three months from the date of approval. Everyone loves a good signup bonus! If you want to stock up on gift cards (e.g. Amazon or Prepaid Visas), this may be an excellent opportunity! Charge S$1,000 to your Amazon and S$1,000 to your Imagine Prepaid Amex and you will get back S$100 for that month!Besides, if you apply online, you will receive S$20 CapitalVoucher and if you are one of the first 3,000 approved applicants, you will also receive S$50 AirAsia E-Gift Voucher! Minimum requirement starts from having S$30,000 income per annum (S$2,500 a month) for Singaporeans and PRs. 

Click HERE to sign up for this new American Express True Cashback card now!